Awristed - Scansion Art - Acrylic on wood
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Scansion Art plays with using visual symbols to represent the rhythm, sounds, and devices used in formal English poetry, expressing the development of patterns and overall shape of poetic forms.
16" x 20"
Poem copyright 2010 by Kate Jo Westfall
Exquisite samples of handstands were seen
on the streets of San Hanstone.
Palm-walkers, knuckle-jumpers,
and sprinters on wrist bones.
Daily, gangs competed in their
back-to-back formation,
wrestling with their legs and dancing
with inverted respiration,
winning each other's wrist bands like
plushy badges of war
in rows of color up their arms,
from their shoulders to the floor.
Each arm represents a line of poetry, starting with the left arm, read from the bottom up.
Thick wrist bands indicate stressed syllables.
Thin wrist bands indicate unstressed syllables.
Touching wrist bands indicate multi-syllabic words.
Matching wrist band colors indicate assonance within a line.
Matching symbols on wrist bands indicate consonance within a line.
Matching tags on wrist band indicate rhyme.
Currently unframed. Price will increase after framing. Framed poem and key will be included included at either price.