Produce and Foliage Portfolio

Portraits of food and foliage in various states of freshness and decay.
Acrylic paint on wood.

Check "Available Items" tab for current selections.

 Aldi Apple Dan's Apple Apple Damage Freckled and Bruised Dented Crabapple Rotting green apple Sour Crabapples on Stem    

 Aging Red OnionRed Onion Button  Yellow Onion Button


Bloob 1  Bloob 3

Twining Carrots Wizened Carrots Cracked CarrotDark Banana Berry Duo

 Rotten Red Tomato Tomayto Tomahto Industrial Red Pepper

 Rotten Green Pepper Hot Pepper Rot Pepper Rotten Red Pepper Wrinkled Green Pepper 


Garlic Marred Garlic

Gall on Goldenrod 

 Freckled Green Pumpkin  Green Pumpkin With Stem   Tiny white bean

Sprouting Spud Lone Artichoke Soft Avocado  

  Poisonberry Blue Poisonberry Red    

Grapefruit Glow  

White Mushroom    

Maple Screws Droplet leaf Autumn 2021