Snow Globe Domesticity - Scansion Art - Acrylic on wood
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Scansion Art plays with using visual symbols to represent the rhythm, sounds, and devices used in formal English poetry, expressing the development of patterns and overall shape of poetic forms.
About 15" x 17"
Poem copyright by Kate Jo Westfall
Snow Globe Domesticity
Our mother lives inside a snow globe house.
She tacks her snowflake doilies to the walls,
sews her downy quilts and cotton skirts,
collects dry ice from pearly wells and hauls
it to the kitchen in her plaster pails.
With it, she makes a cake like coconut
on angel food, with salt and sugar chips.
On paper mache porcelain, she cuts
a slice and waits for her next visitor
to look inside her window and to shake
her home, homogenizing it to milk
and glitter. Then she picks us up, re-makes
her paper doll-shaped children on her lap,
and moulds her home again wile we take naps.
Acrylic paint and paper on repurposed wood
Each line of "dolls" represents a line of poetry
Tall dolls indicate stressed syllables.
Short dolls indicate unstressed syllables.
Connected dolls indicate multi-syllabic words.
Matching button colors indicate assonance within a line.
Matching sleeve stripes indicate consonance within a line.
Matching heads on dolls indicate rhyme.
Currently unframed. Price will increase after framing. Framed poem and key included at either price.